Critical Readings: Caliban and the Witch (Chapter 2)

This event will be held at Letohradská 10, Prague 7. Ring buzzer L10 if the door is closed.

We will discuss chapter 1 of Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation.
Caliban and the Witch explores gender and the family during the primitive accumulation of capital. As part of the radical autonomist feminist Marxist tradition, the book offers a critical alternative to Marx's theory of primitive accumulation. Federici argues that the witch hunts served to restructure family relations and the role of women in order to satisfy society's needs during the rise of capitalism.

In the book's introduction, Federici states that "there has been the desire to rethink the development of capitalism from a feminist viewpoint, while at the same time, avoiding the limits of a 'women's history' separated from that of the male part of the working class.

The book is available here.

Thursday, 15 June, 2023 - 19:00 to 22:00