Why is it easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism?
We're starting a new book at "Critical Readings": late Mark Fisher's "Capitalist Realism", an investigation of an ideological atmosphere in which capitalism is the only political and economic system with no proper alternatives. "Even if the game is rigged, it's the only game in town". The book can be found here: https://libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alter...
For the first session, let's read (at home) the first three chapters (pages 1-20) + an additional reading, another short essay by Fisher "Exiting the Vampire's Castle", which can be found here: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/exiting-vampire-castle/
If the weather allows, we'll do this reading session outside, in a privatised public space close to D-Zona. Let's meet downstairs by D-Zona/Jako doma and go there together. In case you're (planning to be) late, write us here and we'll arrange things.